5.5% abv. These guys started by making beer in their garage and wanted to share. I am glad they did. They still only brew in one barrel batches and that is what makes it so fantastic. This is a bottle conditioned small batch beer...a true nano brewery. It pours to a huge cauliflower head. Excellent piney fresh hop aroma. Wow, this has a truly cask conditioned flavor in a bottle. Hops are mildly bitter, but very tasty. Sweet caramel, butterscotch, maybe honey, and graham cracker. Piney hop flavors collide with orange zest and sweet grapefruit. This is a complex and delicious beer. Superb head and lace. This has a truly craft brewed feel to it. Dry astringency toward finish. I could drink this beer all night and if I had more, I would. Fantastic.
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