Saturday, March 31, 2012

16.83% abv.  Bottled December 2009. Crazy carbonation from live yeast coming up the center of my Chimay chalice. I believe it is saying El Diablo, El Diablo. Dark chocolate, molasses, anise, candy sugar and figs on the nose. Immediate warming in the belly, but the alcohol is surprisingly masked for this ridiculous almost 17% abv beer. Cellared this one for almost 2.5 years and I am sure that has helped tame the alcohol. Thick and viscous mouthfeel, but it has a dry finish. Slightest bit of herbal hops at finish. Very complex with black pepper, raisins, rye bread, cherries, dark chocolate, candy sugar, molasses, oak, bourbon vanilla, rum, and tawny port flavors. Wow, the alcohol sneaks up and hits you like a 16.83 lb sledge hammer. This beer is brewed only on December 1st each year and I am certainly going to track down some more this year.


Jeff said...

It's like the all seeing eye in the middle of that head. Very Lord of the Rings.

Unknown said...

Hahaha - Eye of Sauron would be a great name for a beer!